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Health & Care Ministries

Card Ministry

Cards are sent to sick and grieving parishioners, birthday cards are sent to parishioners who are housebound or residents of Barbara Egan Nursing Home in Shrewsbury.


CONTACT:    Parish Office


Communion to Sick and

Nursing Homes

Lay Ministers visit  those who are homebound or in  Nursing Homes.


CONTACT:  Deb Cousin  at

or at 717-235-2156, option 2.


First Friday Communion Visits

First Friday visits by a  priest or deacon.


CONTACT:  Deb Cousin  at

or at 717-235-2156, option 2.


Emergency Meals/Transportation

The Diocese of Harrisburg requires volunteers providing transportation to provide a copy of the driver’s license and current insurance information for their car.


CONTACT:  Deb Cousin  at

or at 717-235-2156, option 2.


Faith, Fitness, & Fun

Faith, Fitness, & Fun is an exercise group. Everyone's welcome in this free club. Join us every Monday at 10:00 am, St. Elizabeth Conference Room in the Main Church. It's 45 minutes of movement that will improve you strength, balance, flexibility and social life. We begin with walking, then exercises from the National Institute on Aging using hand weights, and end with a segment of Tai Chi moves.


CONTACT: Parish Office

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Mass of Anointing/Remembrance

The annual Mass of Remembrance honors the memory of our deceased loved ones.


CONTACT: Parish Office

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